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Event Details 06/01/2017 - 06/02/2017 8:00-8:30am Start Times


The Annual Blue Lake Triathlon was started by the Portland Triathlon Association and Frank Goulard, who is still an active, local Masters Triathlete. He participates in many of our events so come on out and meet the legend, the man who started it all for us here locally!

This weekend festival offers an Olympic and Sprint Distance Triathlon, Duathlon & AquaBike, and a Super Sprint course that offers shorter distances for those new to the sport or just going for pure, raw speed. The Super Sprint is also a great event for our Junior Triathletes!

Recognized by NW triathletes as the “must do” event to open the triathlon season, the Blue Lake Triathlon encompasses two full days of racing (Super Sprint & Kids races on Saturday & Sprint & Olympic races on Sunday) including a Sports & Fitness Expo. Triathlon Clubs from across the NW gather to launch the MultiSport season.

The bike courses of these races are flat and fast, with the majority occurring on a section of Marine Dr that is closed to all but local traffic. This makes the course one of the safest and fastest in the region.

Super Sprint Tri  – This novice race is designed for the first time triathlete, those new to the sport, our Junior Triathletes or those who can't race on Sunday and/or are looking for raw speed! The swim is a shorter, more manageable 1/4 mile distance, (instead of the standard 1/2-mile Sprint distance swim), 10 mile bike ride (vs 12 miles and it's a 2 loop course making it very spectator friendly!) and a flat 2 mile run (vs 3 mile sprint course).

A maximum of 1000 athletes per day can race so be sure to register early as this race fills fast!

Enjoy the after-race party with music, food and beverages, awards and prizes, and lots of fun as we Rock the Park during the Blue Lake Tri & Du! The energy and fun keeps flowing after the races, making this a party not to miss!

Post-race food and beverages will help athletes refuel and Deschutes Brewery Beer will be onsite to help you celebrate your accomplishment! Vendors in the Sports & Fitness Expo will have samples for tasting throughout the events.


  • Super Sprint Triathlon: 1/4 Mile Swim, 10 Mile Bike, 2 mile Run (Start Time – 8:00am in waves)

  • Super Sprint Duathlon: 2 mile Run, 10 Mile Bike, 2 mile Run (Start Time – 8:00am mass start)

  • Super Sprint AquaBike: 1/4 Mile Swim, 10 mile Bike (Start Tme - 8:00 in waves)

  • Kids Tri Races - Start at 10:30am.  See Details below in the Kids Race section.


  • Sprint Triathlon: ½ mile Swim, 12.5 mile Bike, 5K Run (Start Time – 8am in waves)

  • Sprint Duathlon: 5k Run, 12.5 mile Bike, 5k Run (Start Time – 8am mass start)

  • Sprint AquaBike: ½ mile Swim, 12.5 mile Bike (Start Time - 8am in waves)

  • Olympic Triathlon:1.5K Swim, 40K Bike, 10K Run (Start Time – 8:30am in waves)

  • Olympic Duathlon: 5k Run, 40K Bike, 10K Run (Start Time – 8:30am mass start)

  • Olympic AquaBike: 1.5K Swim, 40K bike (Start Time - 8:30am in waves)

Earlier Event: May 18
Transition Clinic #2
Later Event: June 2
IRONMAN Victoria 70.3